Friday, September 18, 2009

Riley's Home

Riley was born 5lbs 6oz, but lost quite a bit of weight her first few days. It started going up again recently. Since they're only keeping her to make sure she's eating and growing we were hoping to get her home today, but at rounds yesterday her Neonatologist was concerned about releasing her on a Friday because the pediatrician isn't in the office on weekends.
She did so well they released her today after all! What a relief...She's 5lbs 2oz and amazing. Now for the next part of the adventure...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor and Delivery

It was Sunday 9/6, my contractions started at 11:15am. They were 10min apart to start. I chugged water which had always stop contractions and soon they were 5min apart, by 2:00 they were 2 min apart and strong. When we got to L&D they gave me IV fluids to stop them and said I was still "only a fingertip" dilated. My OB was down the hall so she stopped in right away and said she may have to do a Magnesium Salifate IV, but wanted to hold off for a bit. They kept giving me Procardia (my regular anticontraction  medicine), 3 doses on top of what I'd already had. By 4:30 the OB said it was clear the labor was not stopping and we were going to have a baby today.
I had to get in line behind the other 34wk mom delivering down the hall so the NICU team would be ready and then the OB ran to another hospital to deliver a baby. It was about 6:30 when they started prepping me for surgery. Riley Grey was born at 7:26pm she was 5lbs 6oz. She came out screaming! I knew she would.
She had no respiratory issues. I knew she wouldn't. They had a feeding tube in for the first few days to make sure she got enough food, but as the neonatologists put it I've been "aggressively breastfeeding." She's doing well her weight finally went up 5g yesterday and so did her bilirubin so she's on the biliblanket now. Her numbers are all really good though they're just being over cautious. If everything keeps going as well as it has been she'll be home by the weekend.