Sunday, June 21, 2009

Feeling Fetal Movement

I was 16wks 4days pregnant the first time I felt my little one. Of course I had no idea that's what it was. It was a Friday afternoon and I was headed to the beach overnight and sitting in the passenger seat of Mike's mother's car. It was this odd twinge and a few flutters. Like a muscle spasm, but far away and not painful. I tensed my tummy and thought weird, maybe I over did it today.
The next day was Saturday, I was still at the beach sporting my new maternity bathing suit. I was in a lounge chair in the shade engrossed in my pregnancy book when I felt it again. I tensed this time as well and thought "huh, maybe I need to change positions."
The day after that was Sunday, I was back at home and Mike had fallen asleep with the tv on again. I woke up and turned it off around 9:00am. When I laid back down all cozy in my bed I felt it again. This time I didn't tense my tummy. I whispered "Baby?" and it happened again! It was just above my incision (from the fibroid removal-same place as a c-section scar). I woke Mike up and put his hand on my belly, but at that point it was over. I felt so silly. I'd been feeling the baby the whole weekend and only just realized it!
Now most people told me it was like butterflies in your stomach, bubbles or a fluttering feeling. Which is somewhere in the neighborhood of what it is. I'm still searching for the perfect description of those early movements. My mom told me once that she felt like she had an alien inside her. Also, I apparently had the hiccups pretty often, poor mom.
At my ultrasound (19wks 3days) the tech said "Wow, busy baby." By this point I had discovered this kid is a night owl. I was feeling baby riggling, tickling and jiggling inside me a little during the day, but always after 10:30pm and again around 8am if I haven't gotten up and eaten breakfast yet. The other day I was reading in one of my books that the kicks and punches get much stronger at about week 21. I had started to notice "an increase in force" ,as the book calls, around that week.
Today I am 23weeks 5days and the baby was active as usual this morning around 9am. So, I decided to rest my cell phone on the part of my belly that was taking the beating. It made me think of that time we were in a canoe on the Suwannee River and an aligator swam under us. My cell phone would be calmly resting there and then it would jump a little or shift to one side. Eventually, the baby started showing off and trying to flip it over. I couldn't stop laughing!
It's such a reassuring thing to have a busy little bee in there. I'm sure I haven't felt anything yet as little one gets bigger and higher up I'm sure it'll be quite a show

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