Monday, June 22, 2009

Michael Takes A Pregnancy Test

I thought I'd share the story of the day I found out I was pregnant. A little background information first though. I have always loved children and I vividly recall telling people when I was starting middle school I wanted ten children so there'd always be a baby in the house. Well, by the time I reached adulthood I had decided pregnancy was not for me and any children I ended up with were going to have to be adopted, but I was in no rush for that. I'd even come to peace with the idea of never having any kids at all.
January of 2008 I had to have emergency surgery to remove a fibroid from my uterus. (Uterine Fibroids are benign tumors that grow within the muscle tissue of the uterus. Uterine fibroids can cause symptoms such as excessive bleeding, pain and disfigurement which can persist until menopause if left untreated.) It was just one of those things, one minute I was fine and the next I was not. Anyway, I won't go into it too much here, but when the fibroid first appeared (a couple months before it had to come out) I missed my period for the first time in my life.
So, fast forward to this February: I've just started working a midnight-8am shift at a new job, Mike and I are not in a good place and I'm late. When the time came and went I figured I'd miscounted because I'm very regular. When it was clearly not an addition error I mentioned to Mike that I was late, but not concerned (at least about pregnancy). He asked me to test and I refused explaining that if it was negative, which I was sure it would be, it would prove I had another fibroid.
So another week went by and I felt increasingly crappy. I chalked the fatigue up to my horrible work schedule and figured I was nauseous because I was eating at weird hours and not enough because I was sleeping all the time. I even fainted once, but I blamed blood sugar. So, I promised I would take a test over the weekend if it hadn't come.
It hadn't come by Friday, February 13th and I got home from work around 8:30am ate "breakfast" and went to bed. I woke up around 4:30pm having had some terrible dream I can't remember now and decided it was time. I went into the bathroom knowing I couldn't hold it long enough to find the test so I peed in a cup and than started looking for the test. I was banging around sleepy and angry for a few minutes. Mike heard the commotion and came to check on me. He of course found the test in less than a second and headed it to me, which only made me more pissed off, so I said you do it and handed it back. Then I went and got back in bed.
It's important to note that 1)I'd only ever seen a positive pregnancy test once in person and it was a prop on a movie I was shooting 2)The test was a First Response Rapid Response meaning it only takes one minute to show a result, but is less sensitive to HCG. (I've done extensive research on pregnancy tests, how they work and probability of false positives since than. By the way girls it's 0% they only give false negatives.)
So, exactly one minute later Mike came into the bedroom with a blank expression. I could barely look at him. It went something like this: "Well?"
"Well, you don't have a fibroid." He starts to smile.
"What! No. You're shitting me."
"No, I'm not."
"No way. You're shitting me."
"No it's definitely positive. The line was pretty dark. Good job producing HCG." he's laughing now.
"Show me. I don't believe you."
He goes and gets the test from the bathroom which looks like this (the lighter line is the control, the darker one was the test line):

I'm pretty sure that's when I started crying.
That's how we found out. Completely bizarre, I kept thinking "I can't get pregnant. I don't get pregnant, other people get pregnant." Among a whole host of other things. Even when you're careful sometimes as they say in Jurassic Park "nature finds a way." It happened. And here we are 24weeks later over halfway through and I've got a one pound little person kicking me from the inside. (:
So, I guess that makes me double wrong, first about the fibroid and than about ever being pregnant. Katie 0 Universe 2...

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