Monday, August 24, 2009

Baby, why aren't you growing?

I went for my weekly appointment this afternoon. I gained 2lbs since last week, had no contractions to report and have not dilated any further, all good. The catch is that after having 32 weeks of the baby's growth being right on target she's suddenly "a little small." The doctor ordered an ultrasound for tomorrow afternoon to get a weight and make sure there isn't anything dangerous restricting growth all the sudden. Her heart rate is still good, but if she quite literally ran out of room to grow it could be a big problem for us both. I know that kind of thing happens to dwarf mothers sometimes and I'm only an inch or two taller than that. It may be nothing, but if there is anything limiting growth at this critical stage or the slow down in growth is a danger to either of us she'll have to come out. Fingers crossed. Again, every time I comfort myself with something (ex: at least I'm not on bed rest, at least I haven't dilated or at least the baby's growing right on target) it happens. I'll update you guys after my appointment. By the way, tomorrow is 33 weeks, another reason to hope for good news.

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