Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back to the Hospital

So, I had kind of a rough weekend. Friday I went to breakfast with my mom and I started feeling alot of pressure. We rushed home and I got in bed with my feet up. The pressure was intense and I could feel the baby really low. I wasn't having contractions, but that may have been the meds. I checked in with the OB Friday evening and all through Saturday it seemed to be getting better. This morning I woke up feeling great, but soon I had reason to believe my water had broken. So, with a quick call to Mom who was out of townfor the weekend and one to my OB I was heading back to the hospital.
The nurses’ exact words were "well, it sounds like your water broke." As soon as we arrived I started having contractions. They weren't very close together, but painful none the less. After an hour wait and two trips to the bathroom I finally got examined. They did all the usual tests and the litmus test did not show any amniotic fluid. My OB was just down the hall so she stopped by and did her own exam. She was worried I had a bacterial infection, but told me as long as the fFN came back negative and the ultrasound showed good amniotic fluid levels I could go home. Everything came back ok, so I'm back home continuing bed rest and anticontraction medicine. I follow-up with the OB next week.
It was a LONG day after a LONG weekend. I was pleading with the baby not to come in August. Even when it seemed clear I wasn't in labor there was still a chance I'd get admitted. I really, really hope I don't have to go there until at least September. So, I had to get a Big Mac value meal and Oreo McFlurry on the way home and now everything is a little better.

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