Friday, August 14, 2009


Worst Case Scenario

I picture the worst case scenario going something like this: I go into labor, but I'm not sure that's what it is because the anti-contraction meds are masking the frequency of my contractions. Hours of dilation go by before there is some clear sign of labor. It's of course after business hours or a weekend so I have to leave a message with the doctor's answering service. Thanks to Michael's habit of not filling gas tanks we'll have to swing by a gas station the way to the hospital. By the time we get there I've been feeling the contractions for awhile and I'll be exhausted. The labor and delivery nurse will have three people at least ahead of me and when she examines me will tell me I'm in the late stages of labor at this point. They’ll rush me into surgery. Michael has to wait outside and because of the urgent situation they have to put me out completely.

Best Case

I go in for one of my weekly doctor's appointments and complain I feel a bit off. She examines me and cheerfully exclaims "it looks like today's the day." We go over to the hospital with enough time to start the epidural. Michael is allowed to hold my hand in the operating room and I am awake to see my daughter's arrival into the world.
My thoughts are that it won't happen on my terms no matter how many likely scenarios I prepare for mentally. But establishing the beginning and end of the range of realistic possibilities gives me a better idea of everything in between. Excuse me I'm going to start making my list of things to pack for the hospital now (I figure it'll be less likely to happen when I'm ready).

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