Thursday, August 20, 2009

Belly Controversy

Are You Kidding Me?!?

This is an article about a newspaper editor who got in trouble for publishing a photo of a woman showing her friend her pregnant belly. As you can see from the article it's a black and white photo of two fully clothed smiling women and one is revealing her belly, that’s it. I don't get it. What is it that inflames people about a pregnant belly? I think they are amazing, but even if you feel indifferent it's hard to understand someone being offended. It's a natural process and the physical manifestation of it is aesthetically pleasing so what's the problem?
I understand in times past a pregnant woman showing her belly was unheard of, but there was also times when showing ankle was "immodest." Times move forward. Here’s the magazine cover reffered to in the article: Vainity Fair Cover Mentioned in Article Again, I'm perplexed by the controversy here as well. I understand that she's naked, but her breasts aren't exposed. Here again I think it's very pretty picture of a beautiful pregnant woman and I can't imagine being offended by it.
Maybe it's because of my recent experience with this. I posted a few pictures from my maternity shoot. None of them were completely nude and any that were topless I was covered by my arm, hands or hair. Not unlike Demi's picture except I'm wearing pants in all of them. I posted my pictures in a private album on MySpace and Facebook. This inadvertently offended someone who decided the appropriate course of action was to report an image to MySpace as offensive. Here's my issue, if you don't want to see it you're more than welcome not to look. If you must look and find yourself upset with an image why not tell me so I can decide to crop it or delete it or offer some kind of solution?
It leaves me wondering if people were actually offended or just expressing their negative feelings about something else. Maybe looking at these bellies on radiant confident women inflames a woman who felt uncomfortable with her pregnant body. There’s no way to control the feelings of others. It makes sense that they may choose to be resentful rather then enjoy the pictures for pure aesthetic value and move on. These pictures are not pornographic they are artistic. I don’t think any of these women were "showing off”, “being immodest" or even being narcissistic. Speaking for myself, I was just sharing a moment in time with my friends and family the same way I would share pictures of the baby once she's born. Maybe people are just too sheltered now (although I can't imagine how with access to the internet and cable). I personally grew up going to art museums and seeing paintings of chubby naked women as masterpieces not smut. What makes a painting of a long dead pregnant woman in the nude art and a photograph of an exposed pregnant belly offensive?

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