Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mallory Dreams

I've talked about dreams before, but these are a very specific kind. Dreams about Michael's ex. I've heard other pregnant women talk about dreaming about their husbands cheating on them with their ex-wives/girlfriends while they are pregnant, but that's not it.

The first time I dreamt I was home with Isaac and two other small children I was babysitting while I was pregnant. Michael was there too and then he was just gone. I looked for him everywhere and had no way to reach him. I was furious. I chased the kids around getting them changed and fed all by myself and when he did come home he was with Mallory. Not what I imagine she looks like now after 3 babies and jail, but high school era Mallory. They were joking and laughing and having a great time. I was so mad that he'd just leave to go get her and then bring her to our house! Well a little while later I notice they're gone. This time I waited about 30 mins and then tried to reach him on his cell phone and he answered. "I was gonna bring Mallory home." He says. He just left to drive to an hoour back to her house without saying a word. When I asked when he'll be back he says they're just leaving (they left our house over a 30 mins ago!) from somewhere to take her home. I remind him that Isaac has an appointment 45mins away and we have to be in Tampa in a few hours. He had forgotten. That's when I woke up and punched Mike in the arm for being a jerk in my dream.

Not long after I had the first one I dreamt that Mike and I were in bed together and Mallory just climbed in with us. We got her to leave the room, but a few minutes later she was back. It went on like that for a while. Very strange. Michael thinks it's totally weird that I dream about her since I've seen video and pictures of his more recent ex. I think it has something to do with Mallory being the other girl he had a baby with. There's also the fact that she's pregnant again which I think about a lot because pregnancy means so much to me and seems so meaningless to her. Also, no other person has the power to be as disruptive to our lives as she does.
It's strange. I think I just wanted to write about it and see if it made anymore sense. Maybe it does and also knowing Mike will be seeing her this week to finish the final custody paperwork changes makes me wonder if I'll have more...

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