Sunday, July 12, 2009

Room Swap Day

Today was a big day. We all got up early in anticipation of the big day, even Michael. First Bob and Susan came over with the crib. It's beautiful and matches the dresser Cindi gave us perfectly. Once it was together the furniture moving started. Then Randy and Ivy came over and pretty soon the Hoffmans arrived. So, while the boys shuffled furniture around Milissa watched the kids in the living room. It was weird to be hanging out in bed while the house got rearranged, but exciting to have so many people in the house.
Later in the day when Bob and Susan had gone home and the boys headed out to Home Depot my dad stopped by on his scooter. He had totally forgotten it was room swap day, but it was a "more the merrier" kind of day. We made our own custom paint color with a small can of Capital Green with a large can of white. It's a beautiful light green, a kind of minty sage. Doreen and Lara did a wonderful job painting the nursery. It really looks like a baby's room in there now with the painted walls and beautiful wood furniture. It's very exciting.
We still have painting to finish in the baby's room and the rest of the house, especially Isaac's new big boy room needs some organizing, but it's all happening. I'm so excited for my baby shower next weekend and the baby to get here now. No matter what happens now I feel like we'll be prepared for this baby now no matter how early it decides to make its appearance. On that note I am taking bed rest very seriously and I have every intention of getting through a few more months before I deliver, but the more prepared we are the longer this kid will wait.
Thank you, so much to everyone who helped out today and everyone who's visited since I went on bed rest. It really, really means alot!

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