Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Than One Way to Say it

There's so many slang terms and phrases for being pregnant I'd thought just for fun I'd explore them.

1.Knocked up-this is probably my least favorite, but totally obvious. Although it does sound, if taken literally, like you've been beaten up when you think about it.
2.Bun in the Oven-oven=womb, easy enough.
3.The rabbit died-this is a rather out-dated one, but very interesting. It has to do with the way they used to test for pregnancy in the time before First Response. In the late 1920's HCG, the pregnancy hormone, was discovered. Doctors would take a urine sample and inject into a rabbit and wait for "results", poor bunnies.
4.In the family way-speaks for itself in a lame pregnancy and sex aren't spoken about 1950's kind of way.
5.Her eggo is peggo-pithy little rhyming quote from the movie "Juno."
6.Up the duff (or in the pudding club)-this is another old one. Apparently duff is a pudding and was at some point slang for semen.
7.With Child-um, duh.
8.Expecting-duh, again
9.Wearing her apron high-sounds like another 50's housewife who's not one to gossip, me
10.Incubating/gestating-very literal
11.Harboring a uterine parasite-a modern idea of "funny"
12.Tin roof rusted-yup, apparently that line from "Love Shack" by the B-52's means pregnant.
13.Eating for two-this one is one of the most fun to say to people when you're on the smaller side.
14.On stork watch-like mother animals in Disney movies!
15.Up the spout-sounds like a take off of "up the duff" to me. Apparently it's a British expression for ruined
16.Trout in the well-they do flop around like fish in there, but I have no further explanation.
17.Preggolicious-a vivid indication that pop culture is retarded.
18.Preggers-popular with the people determined to further the disintegration of the English language. OMG it's easier to text "mom I'm preggers." than type it all out, kwim?
19.Keith Cheggars-this is cockney slang for pregnant. It's based on rhyme (like for those of you who saw Oceans Eleven-"we're in Barney. Rubble. Trouble."). Cheggers rhymes with preggers.
20.Pulling the goalie-it is what it sounds like, to stop using birth control.

Way to go me (and Google) I was hoping to make an even 20! I hope everyone learned a little something or at least had a good laugh, I know I did.

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